Steffen Finck
Steffen Finck
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Research Center Business Informatics
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Real-parameter black-box optimization benchmarking 2009: Noiseless functions definitions
N Hansen, S Finck, R Ros, A Auger
INRIA, 2009
Comparing results of 31 algorithms from the black-box optimization benchmarking BBOB-2009
N Hansen, A Auger, R Ros, S Finck, P Pošík
Proceedings of the 12th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2010
Real-parameter black-box optimization benchmarking 2010: Experimental setup
N Hansen, A Auger, S Finck, R Ros
INRIA, 2010
Real-parameter black-box optimization benchmarking 2010: Presentation of the noisy functions
S Finck, N Hansen, R Ros, A Auger
Technical Report 2009/21, Research Center PPE, 2010
Real-parameter black-box optimization benchmarking: Experimental setup
N Hansen, A Auger, S Finck, R Ros
Orsay, France: Université Paris Sud, Institut National de Recherche en …, 2012
Real-parameter black-box optimization benchmarking 2009: Noisy functions definitions
N Hansen, S Finck, R Ros, A Auger
Technical Report RR-6869, INRIA, 2009. Updated February, 2010
BBOB 2010: Comparison tables of all algorithms on all noisy functions
A Auger, S Finck, N Hansen, R Ros
INRIA, 2010
On the design of constraint covariance matrix self-adaptation evolution strategies including a cardinality constraint
HG Beyer, S Finck
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 16 (4), 578-596, 2012
BBOB 2010: Comparison tables of all algorithms on all noiseless functions
A Auger, S Finck, N Hansen, R Ros
INRIA, 2010
Real-parameter black-box optimization benchmarking 2009
S Finck, N Hansen, R Ros, A Auger
Presentation of the noiseless functions. Technical Report Researh Center PPE, 2009
Real-parameter black-box optimization benchmarking BBOB-2010: Experimental setup
N Hansen, A Auger, S Finck, R Ros
INRIA, Tech. Rep. RR-7215, 2010
Happycat–a simple function class where well-known direct search algorithms do fail
HG Beyer, S Finck
International conference on parallel problem solving from nature, 367-376, 2012
Evolution on trees: On the design of an evolution strategy for scenario-based multi-period portfolio optimization under transaction costs
HG Beyer, S Finck, T Breuer
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 17, 74-87, 2014
Noisy optimization: a theoretical strategy comparison of ES, EGS, SPSA & IF on the noisy sphere
S Finck, HG Beyer, A Melkozerov
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2011
COCO-COmparing Continuous Optimizers: The Documentation
N Hansen, S Finck, R Ros
Performance of the (µ/µ, λ)-σSA-ES on a class of PDQFs
HG Beyer, S Finck
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 14 (3), 400-418, 2010
A Systematic Approach for the Selection of Optimization Algorithms including End-User Requirements Applied to Box-Type Boom Crane Design
D Entner, P Fleck, T Vosgien, C Münzer, S Finck, T Prante, M Schwarz
Applied System Innovation 2 (3), 20, 2019
Experimental setup
N Hansen, A Auger, S Finck, R Ros, RBBO Benchmarking
Tech. Rep. RR-6828, INRIA, 2009.< http://hal. inria. fr/inria-00362649/en, 2009
Performance analysis of the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation algorithm on the noisy sphere model
S Finck, HG Beyer
Theoretical computer science 419, 50-72, 2012
Real-parameter black-box optimization benchmarking 2009: Noiseless functions definitions
S Finck, N Hansen, R Ros, A Auger
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Articles 1–20