Patrick Seeling
Patrick Seeling
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Central Michigan University
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Network performance evaluation using frame size and quality traces of single-layer and two-layer video: A tutorial
P Seeling, M Reisslein, B Kulapala
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 6 (3), 58-78, 2004
Video transport evaluation with H. 264 video traces
P Seeling, M Reisslein
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 14 (4), 1142-1165, 2011
Encountering the expertise reversal effect with a computer-based environment on electrical circuit analysis
J Reisslein, RK Atkinson, P Seeling, M Reisslein
Learning and instruction 16 (2), 92-103, 2006
Video traces for network performance evaluation: a comprehensive overview and guide on video traces and their utilization in networking research
P Seeling, FHP Fitzek, M Reisslein
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Computing in communication networks: From theory to practice
FHP Fitzek, F Granelli, P Seeling
Academic Press, 2020
Video traffic characteristics of modern encoding standards: H. 264/AVC with SVC and MVC extensions and H. 265/HEVC
P Seeling, M Reisslein
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 189481, 2014
Towards the run and walk activity classification through step detection-an android application
M Oner, JA Pulcifer-Stump, P Seeling, T Kaya
2012 annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2012
Video in distance education: ITFS vs. web-streaming: Evaluation of student attitudes
J Reisslein, P Seeling, M Reisslein
The Internet and higher education 8 (1), 25-44, 2005
Traffic and statistical multiplexing characterization of 3-D video representation formats
A Pulipaka, P Seeling, M Reisslein, LJ Karam
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 59 (2), 382-389, 2013
H. 264 coarse grain scalable (CGS) and medium grain scalable (MGS) encoded video: A trace based traffic and quality evaluation
R Gupta, A Pulipaka, P Seeling, LJ Karam, M Reisslein
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 58 (3), 428-439, 2012
Desktop and mobile web page comparison: characteristics, trends, and implications
T Johnson, P Seeling
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (9), 144-151, 2014
Multicast capacity of packet-switched ring WDM networks
M Scheutzow, M Reisslein, M Maier, P Seeling
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (2), 623-644, 2008
An open source testbed for virtualized communication networks
Z Xiang, S Pandi, J Cabrera, F Granelli, P Seeling, FHP Fitzek
IEEE Communications Magazine 59 (2), 77-83, 2021
Video network traffic and quality comparison of vp8 and h. 264 svc
P Seeling, FHP Fitzek, G Ertli, A Pulipaka, M Reisslein
Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Mobile video delivery, 33-38, 2010
Comparing static fading with adaptive fading to independent problem solving: The impact on the achievement and attitudes of high school students learning electrical circuit …
J Reisslein, M Reisslein, P Seeling
Journal of Engineering Education 95 (3), 217-226, 2006
RObust header compression (ROHC) performance for multimedia transmission over 3G/4G wireless networks
FHP Fitzek, S Rein, P Seeling, M Reisslein
Wireless Personal Communications 32, 23-41, 2005
Practical active learning stations to transform existing learning environments into flexible, active learning classrooms
J Eickholt, MR Johnson, P Seeling
IEEE Transactions on Education 64 (2), 95-102, 2020
Evaluating multimedia networking mechanisms using video traces
P Seeling, M Reisslein
IEEE potentials 24 (4), 21-25, 2005
The rate variability-distortion (VD) curve of encoded video and its impact on statistical multiplexing
P Seeling, M Reisslein
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 51 (4), 473-492, 2005
Video streaming in wireless internet
F Fitzek, P Seeling, M Reisslein
Electrical Engineering and Applied Signal Processing Series, 2004
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Articles 1–20