Ricardo A. Ojeda
Ricardo A. Ojeda
Investigador Superior Ad Honorem CONICET, Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zona Aridas
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Patterns of diversity and adaptation in South American hystricognath rodents
MA Mares, RA Ojeda
Mammalian Biology in South America 6, 393-432, 1982
Libro rojo de mamíferos amenazados de la Argentina
GB Díaz, RA Ojeda
SAREM (Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos), Mendoza, 1-106, 2000
Mamíferos de Argentina: sistemática y distribución
RM Barquez, MM Díaz, RA Ojeda
Sarem, 2006
Discovery of tetraploidy in a mammal
MH Gallardo, JW Bickham, RL Honeycutt, RA Ojeda, N Köhler
Nature 401 (6751), 341-341, 1999
The exotic mammals of Argentina
A Novillo, RA Ojeda
Biological Invasions 10, 1333-1344, 2008
Dispersal and germination ofProsopis flexuosa (Fabaceae) seeds by desert mammals in Argentina
CM Campos, RA Ojeda
Journal of arid Environments 35 (4), 707-714, 1997
Libro Rojo de los mamíferos Amenazados de la Argentina
RA Ojeda, V Chillo, GB Diaz, eds.
Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos, SAREM, 2012
Desertification in central Argentina: changes in ecosystem carbon and nitrogen from imaging spectroscopy
GP Asner, CE Borghi, RA Ojeda
Ecological applications 13 (3), 629-648, 2003
Guide to the Mammals of Salta Province, Argentina: Guia de Los Mamiferos de Las Provincia de Salta, Argentina
MA Mares, RA Ojeda, RM Barquez
University of Oklahoma press, 2015
Utilization of food resources by small and medium‐sized mammals in the Monte Desert biome, Argentina
C Campos, R Ojeda, S Monge, M Dacar
Austral Ecology 26 (2), 142-149, 2001
Observations on the distribution and ecology of the mammals of Salta Province, Argentina
MA Mares, RA Ojeda, MP Kosco
Annals of Carnegie Museum 50, 151-206, 1981
The MaB Reserve of Ñacuñán, Argentina: its role in understanding the Monte Desert biome
RA Ojeda, CM Campos, JM Gonnet, CE Borghi, VG Roig
Journal of Arid Environments 39 (2), 299-313, 1998
A biogeographic analysis of the mammals of Salta Province, Argentina: patterns of species assemblage in the Neotropics
RA Ojeda, MA Mares
Food habits and impact of rooting behaviour of the invasive wild boar, Sus scrofa, in a protected area of the Monte Desert, Argentina
MF Cuevas, A Novillo, C Campos, MA Dacar, RA Ojeda
Journal of Arid Environments 74 (11), 1582-1585, 2010
Effects of wild boar disturbance on vegetation and soil properties in the Monte Desert, Argentina
MF Cuevas, L Mastrantonio, RA Ojeda, FM Jaksic
Mammalian Biology 77 (4), 299-306, 2012
Dolichotis patagonum
CM Campos, MF Tognelli, RA Ojeda
Mammalian species 2001 (652), 1-5, 2001
Small-mammal responses to fire in the Monte Desert, Argentina
RA Ojeda
Journal of Mammalogy 70 (2), 416-420, 1989
Conservation of South American mammals: Argentina as a paradigm
RA Ojeda, MA Mares
Mammalian biology in South America 6, 505-521, 1982
Loss of mammalian species from the S outh A merican G ran C haco: empty savanna syndrome?
ME Periago, V Chillo, RA Ojeda
Mammal review 45 (1), 41-53, 2015
Assessing the use of functional diversity as a measure of ecological resilience in arid rangelands
V Chillo, M Anand, RA Ojeda
Ecosystems 14, 1168-1177, 2011
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Articles 1–20