Loren D. Coen
Loren D. Coen
Faculty Research Professor, Harbor Branch Oceanography Institute-FAU
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Oyster reefs at risk and recommendations for conservation, restoration, and management
MW Beck, RD Brumbaugh, L Airoldi, A Carranza, LD Coen, C Crawford, ...
Bioscience 61 (2), 107-116, 2011
AS WE SEE IT. A broader view of ecosystem services related to oyster restoration.
LD Coen, RD Brumbaugh, D Bushek, R Grizzle, MW Luckenbach, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 341, 303-307, 2007
Developing success criteria and goals for evaluating oyster reef restoration: ecological function or resource exploitation?
LD Coen, MW Luckenbach
Ecological engineering 15 (3-4), 323-343, 2000
The role of oyster reefs as essential fish habitat: a review of current knowledge and some new perspectives
LD Coen, MW Luckenbach, DL Breitburg
American fisheries society symposium 22, 438-454, 1999
Historical ecology with real numbers: past and present extent and biomass of an imperilled estuarine habitat
PSE Zu Ermgassen, MD Spalding, B Blake, LD Coen, B Dumbauld, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1742), 3393-3400, 2012
Experiments on competition and predation among shrimps of seagrass meadows
LD Coen, KL Heck Jr, LG Abele
Ecology 62 (6), 1484-1493, 1981
Effects of nutrient enrichment and large predator removal on seagrass nursery habitats: an experimental assessment.
KL Heck Jr, JR Pennock, JF Valentine, LD Coen, SA Sklenar
Limnology and Oceanography 45 (5), 1041-1057, 2000
Effects of nutrient enrichment and overfishing on seagrass ecosystems: an experimental assessment.
KLJ Heck, JR Pennock, JF Valentine, LD Coen, SA Sklenar
Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7, 220-222, 2000
Contemporary approaches for small-scale oyster reef restoration to address substrate versus recruitment limitation: a review and comments relevant for the Olympia oyster …
RD Brumbaugh, LD Coen
Journal of Shellfish Research 28 (1), 147-161, 2009
Setting guidelines for evaluating performance of oyster habitat restoration.
LP Baggett, SP Powers, RD Brumbaugh, LD Coen, B DeAngelis, ...
Restoration Ecology, 2015
Oyster reef habitat restoration: relationships between oyster abundance and community development based on two studies in Virginia and South Carolina
MW Luckenbach, LD Coen, PG Ross Jr, JA Stephen
Journal of Coastal Research, 64-78, 2005
Shellfish reefs at risk: a global analysis of problems and solutions
Beck, M.W., R.D. Brumbaugh, L. Airoldi, A. Carranza, L.D. Coen, C. Crawford ...
The Nature Conservancy, 2009
Seston Removal by Natural and Constructed Intertidal Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reefs: A Comparison with Previous Laboratory Studies, and the Value …
RE Grizzle, JK Greene, LD Coen
Estuaries and coasts 31, 1208-1220, 2008
Oyster reef restoration: convergence of harvest and conservation strategies
DL Breitburg, LD Coen, M Luckenbach, RL Mann, M Posey, JA Wesson
Journal of Shellfish Research 19 (1), 371, 2000
Biogeographic comparisons of marine algal polyphenolics: evidence against a latitudinal trend
NM Targett, LD Coen, AA Boettcher, CE Tanner
Oecologia 89, 464-470, 1992
Population regulation of blue crabs Callinectes in the northern Gulf of Mexico: postlarval supply.
SG Morgan, RK Zimmer-Faust, KL Heck, LD Coen
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 133, 73-88, 1995
A Practitioners' Guide to the Design and Monitoring of Shellfish Restoration Projects: An Ecosystem Services Approach.
RD Brumbaugh, MW Beck, L Coen, L Craig, P Hicks
The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 2006
Pre-and post-settlement factors as determinants of juvenile blue crab Callinectes sapidus abundance: results from the north-central Gulf of Mexico
J Heck, K.L., LD Coen, SG Morgan
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 222, 163-176, 2001
Settlement of Callinectes sapidus megalopae on artificial collectors in four Gulf of Mexico estuaries
NN Rabalais, RF Burditt Jr, LD Coen, BE Cole, C Eleuterius, KL Heck Jr, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 57 (3), 855-876, 1995
The Importance of Habitat Created by Shellfish and Shell Beds Along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S
L Coen, R Grizzle
Habitat Management Series #8, ASMFC 8, 108pp., 2007
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