Dr Zahir Ahmad
Dr Zahir Ahmad
Curriculum Lead of Electrical and Electronic Eng. , Coventry University,UK
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Cited by
Ethernet ring protection for carrier ethernet networks
J Ryoo, H Long, Y Yang, M Holness, Z Ahmad, JK Rhee
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (9), 136-143, 2008
Performance of spatial diversity DCO-OFDM in a weak turbulence underwater visible light communication channel
H Jiang, H Qiu, N He, W Popoola, Z Ahmad, S Rajbhandari
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (8), 2271-2277, 2020
Impact of vehicle headlights radiation pattern on dynamic vehicular VLC channel
FM Alsalami, N Aigoro, AA Mahmoud, Z Ahmad, PA Haigh, OCL Haas, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (10), 3162-3168, 2021
Method for protection switching in ethernet ring network
JD Ryoo, JK Rhee, JS Im, BS Joo, Y Kim, ZU Ahmad
US Patent App. 12/593,955, 2010
Failure recovery method in non revertive mode of Ethernet ring network
JD Ryoo, JK Rhee, BS Joo, JS Im, ZU Ahmad, Y Yang, M Holness
US Patent 9,160,563, 2015
Regular-shaped geometry-based stochastic model for vehicle-to-vehicle visible light communication channel
FM Alsalami, Z Ahmad, O Haas, S Rajbhandari
2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2019
Statistical channel modelling of dynamic vehicular visible light communication system
FM Alsalami, Z Ahmad, S Zvanovec, PA Haigh, OCL Haas, S Rajbhandari
Vehicular communications 29, 100339, 2021
Indoor intruder tracking using visible light communications
FM Alsalami, Z Ahmad, S Zvanovec, PA Haigh, OCL Haas, S Rajbhandari
Sensors 19 (20), 4578, 2019
Impact of dynamic traffic on vehicle-to-vehicle visible light communication systems
FM Alsalami, OCL Haas, A Al-Kinani, CX Wang, Z Ahmad, S Rajbhandari
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (3), 3512-3521, 2021
Precision indoor three‐dimensional visible light positioning using receiver diversity and multi‐layer perceptron neural network
AA Mahmoud, ZU Ahmad, OCL Haas, S Rajbhandari
IET Optoelectronics 14 (6), 440-446, 2020
A study of yearly sunlight variance effect on vehicular visible light communication for emergency service vehicles
D Cervinka, Z Ahmad, O Salih, S Rajbhandari
2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and …, 2020
Demonstration of a multi-hop underwater visible light communication system
Z Ahmad, S Rajbhandari, O Salih, R Green
2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2017
Ergodic capacity and error performance of spatial diversity UWOC systems over generalized gamma turbulence channels
H Jiang, H Qiu, N He, W Popoola, Z Ahmad, S Rajbhandari
Optics communications 505, 127476, 2022
Link Design for Multi-hop Underwater Optical Wireless Sensor Network
Z Ahmad, R Green
International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications(ICSNC),2012 …, 2012
Scattering regimes for underwater optical wireless communications using Monte Carlo simulation
F Jasman, AM Zaiton, Z Ahmad, Z Rihawi
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8 (4), 2571-2577, 2018
The statistical temporal properties of vehicular visible light communication channel
FM Alsalami, Z Ahmad, PA Haigh, OCL Haas, S Rajbhandari
2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and …, 2020
Vehicular visible light positioning using receiver diversity with machine learning
AA Mahmoud, Z Ahmad, U Onyekpe, Y Almadani, M Ijaz, OCL Haas, ...
Electronics 10 (23), 3023, 2021
Outdoor Visible light positioning using artificial neural networks for autonomous vehicle application
AA Mahmoud, Z Ahmad, Y Almadani, M Ijaz, OCL Haas, S Rajbhandari
2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and …, 2020
Optical OFDM spatial diversity system in lognormal fading UVLC channels
J Hongyan, Q Hongbing, H Ning, W Yue, Z Ahmad, S Rajbhandari
红外与激光工程 49 (2), 0203008-0203008, 2020
Underwater Optical Wireless Sensor Network
Z Ahmad
University of Warwick, 2014
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Articles 1–20