Yi Qian
Cited by
Cited by
A Survey on Smart Grid Communication Infrastructures: Motivations, Requirements and Challenges
Y Yan, Y Qian, H Sharif, D Tipper
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE 15 (1), 5-20, 2013
A survey on cyber security for smart grid communications
Y Yan, Y Qian, H Sharif, D Tipper
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 14 (4), 998–1010, 2012
Computation rate maximization in UAV-enabled wireless-powered mobile-edge computing systems
F Zhou, Y Wu, RQ Hu, Y Qian
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (9), 1927-1941, 2018
Key elements to enable millimeter wave communications for 5G wireless systems
L Wei, RQ Hu, Y Qian, G Wu
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (6), 136-143, 2014
An energy efficient and spectrum efficient wireless heterogeneous network framework for 5G systems
RQ Hu, Y Qian
IEEE communications magazine 52 (5), 94-101, 2014
Challenges and solutions for cellular based V2X communications
S Gyawali, S Xu, Y Qian, RQ Hu
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (1), 222-255, 2020
Security for 5G mobile wireless networks
D Fang, Y Qian, RQ Hu
IEEE Access 6, 4850-4874, 2018
Enable device-to-device communications underlaying cellular networks: challenges and research aspects
L Wei, RQ Hu, Y Qian, G Wu
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (6), 90-96, 2014
Cooperative communications for wireless networks: techniques and applications in LTE-advanced systems
Q Li, RQ Hu, Y Qian, G Wu
Wireless Communications, IEEE 19 (2), 22-29, 2012
Scalable Distributed Communication Architectures to Support Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid
J Zhou, RQ Hu, Y Qian
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23 (9), 1632-1642, 2012
Design of secure and application-oriented VANETs
Y Qian, N Moayeri
VTC Spring 2008-IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2794-2799, 2008
Resource trading in blockchain-based industrial Internet of Things
H Yao, T Mai, J Wang, Z Ji, C Jiang, Y Qian
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (6), 3602-3609, 2019
Datanet: Deep learning based encrypted network traffic classification in sdn home gateway
P Wang, F Ye, X Chen, Y Qian
IEEE Access 6, 55380-55391, 2018
Controlling communication in wireless and satellite networks
H Abu-Amara, J Babbitt, R Best, G Boray, W Lo, P Maveddat, Y Qian
US Patent 6,317,584, 2001
Call admission control optimization in WiMAX networks
B Rong, Y Qian, K Lu, HH Chen, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 57 (4), 2509-2522, 2008
Energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency of multihop device-to-device communications underlaying cellular networks
L Wei, RQ Hu, Y Qian, G Wu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (1), 367-380, 2015
Applying VLC in 5G networks: Architectures and key technologies
L Feng, RQ Hu, J Wang, P Xu, Y Qian
Ieee Network 30 (6), 77-83, 2016
Resource allocation for multi-UAV aided IoT NOMA uplink transmission systems
R Duan, J Wang, C Jiang, H Yao, Y Ren, Y Qian
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (4), 7025-7037, 2019
A framework for a distributed key management scheme in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
K Lu, Y Qian, M Guizani, HH Chen
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 7 (2), 639-647, 2008
Joint precoding optimization for secure SWIPT in UAV-aided NOMA networks
W Wang, J Tang, N Zhao, X Liu, XY Zhang, Y Chen, Y Qian
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (8), 5028-5040, 2020
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Articles 1–20