Luis Orlando Duarte
Luis Orlando Duarte
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Length-weight relationships of demersal fishes from the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia
CB Garcia, JO Duarte, N Sandoval, D von Schiller, G Melo, P Navajas
NAGA The ICLARM Quarterly 21 (3), 30-32, 1998
Trophic role of small pelagic fishes in a tropical upwelling ecosystem
LO Duarte, CB Garcıa
Ecological Modelling 172 (2-4), 323-338, 2004
Atlas pesquero del área norte del Mar Caribe de Colombia
PG Gómez-Canchong, LM Manjarrés, LO Duarte, JE Altamar
Universidad del Magdalena, 2004
Diet of the mutton snapper Lutjanus analis (Cuvier) from the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia, Caribbean Sea
LO Duarte, CB Garcia
Bulletin of marine science 65 (2), 453-465, 1999
Ecosystem impacts of the introduction of bycatch reduction devices in a tropical shrimp trawl fishery: Insights through simulation
MI Criales-Hernandez, LO Duarte, CB García, L Manjarrés
Fisheries research 77 (3), 333-342, 2006
Diet of the lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris (Lutjanidae), in the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia
LO Duarte, CB Garcia
Caribbean Journal of Science 35, 54-63, 1999
Demersal fish density in the upwelling ecosystem off Colombia, Caribbean Sea: Historic outlook
CB García, LO Duarte, J Altamar, LM Manjarrés
Fisheries Research 85 (1-2), 68-73, 2007
Demersal fish assemblages of the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia (southern Caribbean Sea)
CB Garcia, LO Duarte, D Von Schiller
Changes in trophic level of Squatina guggenheim with increasing body length: relationships with type, size and trophic level of its prey
R Vögler, AC Milessi, LO Duarte
Environmental Biology of Fishes 84, 41-52, 2009
Length‐based estimates of growth parameters and mortality rates of fish populations of the Caribbean Sea
CB García, LO Duarte
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22 (3), 193-200, 2006
Plan de accion nacional para la conservacion y manejo de tiburones, rayas y quimeras de Colombia (PAN Tiburones Colombia).
JP Caldas, E Castro-González, V Puentes, M Rueda, C Lasso, LO Duarte, ...
Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, Secretaria Agricultura y Pesca San Andrés …, 2010
Consumption to biomass (Q/B) ratio and estimates of Q/B-predictor parameters for Caribbean fishes
CB García, LO Duarte
Libro rojo de peces marinos de Colombia
V Chasqui, LA Polanco, A Acero, PA Mejía-Falla, A Navia, LA Zapata, ...
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras Invemar, Ministerio de …, 2017
Variabilidad circadiana de la tasa de captura y la estructura de tallas en camarones e ictiofauna acompañante en la pesquería de arrastre del Mar Caribe de Colombia
LO Duarte, P Gómez-Canchong, LM Manjarrés, CB García, FD Escobar, ...
Investigaciones marinas 34 (1), 23-42, 2006
Length-weight relationships of demersal fishes from the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia:[part 2]
LO Duarte, CB Garcia, N Sandoval, D Von Schiller, G Melo, P Navajas
Naga, The ICLARM Quarterly 22 (1), 34-36, 1999
Effects of using bycatch reduction devices on the Colombian Caribbean Sea shrimp fishery
L Manjarrés, LO Duarte, J Altamar, F Escobar, C García, F Cuello
Ciencias Marinas 34 (2), 223–238, 2008
Changes in the diet of hake associated with El Niño 1997− 1998 in the northern Humboldt Current ecosystem
J Tam, S Purca, LO Duarte, V Blaskovic, P Espinoza
Advances in Geosciences 6, 63-67, 2006
Atlas demográfico de los peces demersales del golfo de Salamanca, Caribe colombiano, dinámica poblacional, distribución, alimentación y reproducción
LO Duarte, CB García, I Moreno, G Melo, P Navajas, N Sandoval, ...
Libro INVEMAR, COLCIENCIAS, Santa Marta, 1999
Cambio estacional en la fauna acompañante de la pesquería artesanal de arrastre de camarón del golfo de Salamanca, mar Caribe de Colombia
LO Duarte, R Díaz-Vesga, F Cuello, L Majarrés
Acta Biológica Colombiana 18 (2), 319-328, 2013
Wind-induced exchange at the entrance to Concepción Bay, an equatorward facing embayment in central Chile
A Valle–Levinson, W Schneider, M Sobarzo, M Bello, L Bravo, M Castillo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (20-21), 2371-2388, 2004
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