Donald P Green
Donald P Green
J.W. Burgess Professor of Political Science, Columbia University
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Cited by
Pathologies of rational choice theory: A critique of applications in political science
D Green, I Shapiro
Yale University Press, 1994
Partisan hearts and minds: Political parties and the social identities of voters
DP Green, B Palmquist, E Schickler
Yale University Press, 2004
Redefine statistical significance
DJ Benjamin, JO Berger, M Johannesson, BA Nosek, EJ Wagenmakers, ...
Nature human behaviour 2 (1), 6-10, 2018
Promoting an open research culture
BA Nosek, G Alter, GC Banks, D Borsboom, SD Bowman, SJ Breckler, ...
Science 348 (6242), 1422-1425, 2015
Social pressure and voter turnout: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment
AS Gerber, DP Green, CW Larimer
American political Science review 102 (1), 33-48, 2008
The effects of canvassing, telephone calls, and direct mail on voter turnout: A field experiment
AS Gerber, DP Green
American political science review 94 (3), 653-663, 2000
Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation
AS Gerber
WW Norton & Company, 2012
Prejudice reduction: What works? A review and assessment of research and practice
EL Paluck, DP Green
Annual review of psychology 60 (1), 339-367, 2009
Get out the vote: How to increase voter turnout
DP Green, AS Gerber
Brookings Institution Press, 2019
Public opinion toward immigration reform: The role of economic motivations
J Citrin, DP Green, C Muste, C Wong
The Journal of Politics 59 (3), 858-881, 1997
Yes, but what’s the mechanism?(don’t expect an easy answer).
JG Bullock, DP Green, SE Ha
Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (4), 550, 2010
Voting may be habit‐forming: evidence from a randomized field experiment
AS Gerber, DP Green, R Shachar
American journal of political science 47 (3), 540-550, 2003
The contact hypothesis re-evaluated
EL Paluck, SA Green, DP Green
Behavioural Public Policy 3 (2), 129-158, 2019
Salvation for the spendthrift incumbent: Reestimating the effects of campaign spending in House elections
DP Green, JS Krasno
American Journal of Political Science, 884-907, 1988
Measurement error masks bipolarity in affect ratings.
DP Green, SL Goldman, P Salovey
Journal of personality and social psychology 64 (6), 1029, 1993
How large and long-lasting are the persuasive effects of televised campaign ads? Results from a randomized field experiment
AS Gerber, JG Gimpel, DP Green, DR Shaw
American Political Science Review 105 (1), 135-150, 2011
Prejudice reduction: Progress and challenges
EL Paluck, R Porat, CS Clark, DP Green
Annual review of psychology 72 (1), 533-560, 2021
Defended neighborhoods, integration, and racially motivated crime
DP Green, DZ Strolovitch, JS Wong
American journal of sociology 104 (2), 372-403, 1998
Presidential leadership and the resurgence of trust in government
J Citrin, DP Green
British journal of political science 16 (4), 431-453, 1986
American identity and the politics of ethnic change
J Citrin, B Reingold, DP Green
The Journal of Politics 52 (4), 1124-1154, 1990
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Articles 1–20