Eric Kramon
Cited by
Cited by
Who Benefits from Distributive Politics? How the Outcomes One Studies Affect the Answers One Gets
E Kramon, DN Posner
Perspectives on Politics 11 (2), 2013
Ethnic Favoritism in Education in Kenya
E Kramon, DN Posner
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 11 (1), 1-58, 2016
Electoral handouts as information: Explaining unmonitored vote buying
E Kramon
World Politics 68 (3), 454-498, 2016
Segregation, Ethnic Favoritism, and the Strategic Targeting of Local Public Goods
S Ejdemyr, E Kramon, AL Robinson
Comparative Political Studies, 0010414017730079, 2015
Kenya's new constitution
E Kramon, DN Posner
Journal of democracy 22 (2), 89-103, 2011
Money for votes: The causes and consequences of electoral clientelism in Africa
E Kramon
Cambridge University Press, 2018
Overcoming or reinforcing coethnic preferences? an experiment on information and ethnic voting
C Adida, J Gottlieb, E Kramon, G McClendon
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 12 (4), 437-477, 2017
Electoral fraud or violence: The effect of observers on party manipulation strategies
J Asunka, S Brierley, M Golden, E Kramon, G Ofosu
British Journal of Political Science 49 (1), 129-151, 2019
Voter information campaigns and political accountability: Cumulative findings from a preregistered meta-analysis of coordinated trials
T Dunning, G Grossman, M Humphreys, SD Hyde, C McIntosh, G Nellis, ...
Science advances 5 (7), eaaw2612, 2019
Vote buying and electoral turnout in Kenya
E Kramon
Voting and Democratic Citizenship in Africa, Boulder/Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 2013
When does information influence voters? The joint importance of salience and coordination
C Adida, J Gottlieb, E Kramon, G McClendon
Comparative Political Studies 53 (6), 851-891, 2020
The moderating effect of debates on political attitudes
S Brierley, E Kramon, GK Ofosu
American Journal of Political Science 64 (1), 19-37, 2020
Does public support for judicial power depend on who is in political power? Testing a theory of partisan alignment in Africa
BL Bartels, E Kramon
American Political Science Review 114 (1), 144-163, 2020
(Mis) measuring sensitive attitudes with the list experiment: Solutions to list experiment breakdown in Kenya
E Kramon, K Weghorst
Public Opinion Quarterly 83 (S1), 236-263, 2019
Vote buying and accountability in democratic Africa
EJ Kramon
University of California, Los Angeles, 2013
Aid effectiveness and allocation: Evidence from Malawi
KY Dionne, E Kramon, T Roberts
Conference “Research Frontiers in Foreign Aid” at Princeton University …, 2013
Party campaign strategies in Ghana: Rallies, canvassing and handouts
S Brierley, E Kramon
African Affairs 119 (477), 587-603, 2020
Breaking the clientelistic voting equilibrium: The joint importance of salience and coordination
C Adida, J Gottlieb, E Kramon, G McClendon
Comparative Political Studies, 2017
Ethnic group institutions and electoral clientelism
E Kramon
Party Politics 25 (3), 435-447, 2019
Protecting the polls: The effect of observers on election fraud
J Asunka, S Brierley, M Golden, E Kramon, G Ofosu
Unpublished manuscript, University of California, Los Angeles Retrieved from …, 2014
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Articles 1–20