Khanh Kieu
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Cited by
Ultra-strong nonlinear optical processes and trigonal warping in MoS2 layers
A Säynätjoki, L Karvonen, H Rostami, A Autere, S Mehravar, A Lombardo, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 893, 2017
Stimulated Raman scattering microscopy with a robust fibre laser source
CW Freudiger, W Yang, GR Holtom, N Peyghambarian, XS Xie, KQ Kieu
Nature photonics 8 (2), 153-159, 2014
Femtosecond laser pulse generation with a fiber taper embedded in carbon nanotube/polymer composite
K Kieu, M Mansuripur
Optics letters 32 (15), 2242-2244, 2007
Sub-100 fs pulses at watt-level powers from a dissipative-soliton fiber laser
K Kieu, WH Renninger, A Chong, FW Wise
Optics letters 34 (5), 593-595, 2009
Soliton thulium-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotube saturable absorber
K Kieu, FW Wise
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 21 (3), 128-130, 2008
Biconical fiber taper sensors
KQ Kieu, M Mansuripur
IEEE photonics technology letters 18 (21), 2239-2241, 2006
Real-time dual-comb spectroscopy with a free-running bidirectionally mode-locked fiber laser
S Mehravar, RA Norwood, N Peyghambarian, K Kieu
Applied Physics Letters 108 (23), 2016
All-fiber normal-dispersion femtosecond laser
K Kieu, FW Wise
Optics express 16 (15), 11453-11458, 2008
All-fiber bidirectional passively mode-locked ring laser
K Kieu, M Mansuripur
Optics letters 33 (1), 64-66, 2007
Rapid visualization of grain boundaries in monolayer MoS2 by multiphoton microscopy
L Karvonen, A Säynätjoki, MJ Huttunen, A Autere, B Amirsolaimani, S Li, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15714, 2017
Scaling of dissipative soliton fiber lasers to megawatt peak powers by use of large-area photonic crystal fiber
S Lefrançois, K Kieu, Y Deng, JD Kafka, FW Wise
Optics letters 35 (10), 1569-1571, 2010
Optical harmonic generation in monolayer group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides
A Autere, H Jussila, A Marini, JRM Saavedra, Y Dai, A Säynätjoki, ...
Physical Review B 98 (11), 115426, 2018
Investigation of second-and third-harmonic generation in few-layer gallium selenide by multiphoton microscopy
L Karvonen, A Säynätjoki, S Mehravar, RD Rodriguez, S Hartmann, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10334, 2015
High-power picosecond fiber source for coherent Raman microscopy
K Kieu, BG Saar, GR Holtom, XS Xie, FW Wise
Optics letters 34 (13), 2051-2053, 2009
Natural silk as a photonics component: a study on its light guiding and nonlinear optical properties
S Kujala, A Mannila, L Karvonen, K Kieu, Z Sun
Scientific reports 6 (1), 22358, 2016
Transition dynamics for multi-pulsing in mode-locked lasers
BG Bale, K Kieu, JN Kutz, F Wise
Optics express 17 (25), 23137-23146, 2009
Rapid large-area multiphoton microscopy for characterization of graphene
A Saynatjoki, L Karvonen, J Riikonen, W Kim, S Mehravar, RA Norwood, ...
ACS nano 7 (10), 8441-8446, 2013
Rapid and large-area characterization of exfoliated black phosphorus using third-harmonic generation microscopy
A Autere, CR Ryder, A Saynatjoki, L Karvonen, B Amirsolaimani, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (7), 1343-1350, 2017
Integrated liquid-core optical fibers for ultra-efficient nonlinear liquid photonics
K Kieu, L Schneebeli, RA Norwood, N Peyghambarian
Optics express 20 (7), 8148-8154, 2012
Fiber laser using a microsphere resonator as a feedback element
K Kieu, M Mansuripur
Optics Letters 32 (3), 244-246, 2007
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Articles 1–20