Daniel NEGRU
Daniel NEGRU
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Cited by
FAFC: fast adaptive fuzzy AQM controller for TCP/IP networks
YH Aoul, A Nafaa, D Negru, A Mehaoua
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 3, 1319-1323, 2004
Content delivery networks as a virtual network function: A win-win ISP-CDN collaboration
N Herbaut, D Négru, Y Chen, PA Frangoudis, A Ksentini
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2016
Efficient media streaming with collaborative terminals for the smart city environment
JM Batalla, P Krawiec, CX Mavromoustakis, G Mastorakis, N Chilamkurti, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (1), 98-104, 2017
A_PSQA: Efficient real-time video streaming QoE tool in a future media internet context
W Cherif, A Ksentini, D Négru, M Sidibé
2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1-6, 2011
A novel architecture for multimedia distribution based on content-aware networking
E Borcoci, D Negru, C Timmerer
2010 Third International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability …, 2010
MS-Stream: A multiple-source adaptive streaming solution enhancing consumer's perceived quality
J Bruneau-Queyreix, M Lacaud, D Negru, JM Batalla, E Borcoci
2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2017
A_PSQA: PESQ-like non-intrusive tool for QoE prediction in VoIP services
W Cherif, A Ksentini, D Négru, M Sidibe
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2124-2128, 2012
Flexible user profile management for context-aware ubiquitous environments
SA Chellouche, J Arnaud, D Négru
2010 7th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 1-5, 2010
Home-box-assisted content delivery network for internet video-on-demand services
SA Chellouche, D Négru, Y Chen, M Sidibe
2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 000544-000550, 2012
A scaleable and license free 5G internet of radio light architecture for services in train stations
J Cosmas, B Meunier, K Ali, N Jawad, M Salih, HY Meng, J Royo, ...
European Wireless 2018; 24th European Wireless Conference, 1-6, 2018
Migrating to a NFV-based Home Gateway: Introducing a Surrogate vNF approach
N Herbaut, D Negru, G Xilouris, Y Chen
2015 6th International Conference on the Network of the Future (NOF), 1-7, 2015
5G Internet of radio light services for supermarkets
J Cosmas, B Meunier, K Ali, N Jawad, M Salih, HY Meng, J Song, J Wang, ...
2017 14th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting: International …, 2017
Adaptive IPTV services based on a novel IP Multimedia Subsystem
J Arnaud, D Négru, M Sidibé, J Pauty, H Koumaras
Multimedia tools and applications 55, 333-352, 2011
Adding a new dimension to HTTP Adaptive Streaming through multiple-source capabilities
J Bruneau-Queyreix, M Lacaud, D Negru, JM Batalla, E Borcoci
IEEE MultiMedia 25 (3), 65-78, 2018
Media ecosystems: A novel approach for content-awareness in future networks
H Koumaras, D Negru, E Borcoci, V Koumaras, C Troulos, Y Lapid, ...
The Future Internet: Future Internet Assembly 2011: Achievements and …, 2011
Dynamic bandwidth allocation for efficient support of concurrent digital TV and IP multicast services in DVB-T networks
D Negru, A Mehaoua, Y Hadjadj-Aoul, C Berthelot
Computer communications 29 (6), 741-756, 2006
Service chain modeling and embedding for NFV-based content delivery
N Herbaut, D Negru, D Dietrich, P Papadimitriou
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2017
Scalable media coding enabling content-aware networking
M Grafl, C Timmerer, H Hellwagner, G Xilouris, G Gardikis, D Renzi, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 20 (2), 30-41, 2012
A generic video adaptation FPGA implementation towards content-and context-awareness in future networks
W Aubry, B Le Gal, D Négru, S Desfarges, D Dallet
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal …, 2012
Deploying a content delivery service function chain on an SDN-NFV operator infrastructure
N Herbaut, D Negru, D Magoni, PA Frangoudis
2016 International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU), 1-7, 2016
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Articles 1–20